Resist Violence: JUSTIFY

This Humanities and Cinema-Communications joint class is participating in a class wide project under the theme: JUSTIFY. This Multidisciplinary project seeks to shed light on how we as people, tend to justify things that we or others do. The brilliant minds of this class will delve into various subjects using various methods ranging from art, documentary style video, music and many others. This project can serve as a reminder to people that we shouldn’t justify things that are bad due to our lack of control or because it would work in our own self-interest. We sincerely hope that you enjoy our multi-platform project and that it can serve as something that will make you reflect about our society and how to make it a better place!

 –  Tyler McLean-Dolbeck

It is with such admiration and respect that we present this exhibit. Shared with each student artist is a variety of stories, experiences and exchanges that have changed us. Through all kinds of challenges, each student worked with determination and creativity to make this a possibility under the circumstances. Please share a word or two of encouragement for this group that we long to see in person some day. We found ways to bond despite the distance, working towards the common goal of, as Tyler wrote: "making our society a better place."
Pat & Kim

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Koinsola Ogun

    All of these presentations are literally so powerful wow

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